Monday, October 20, 2008


A favorite brush for free play is Painter's Thin Distorto.
I like to splash some colors on a blank canvas or open an existing image, and then push the pixels around with the distortion brush. I don't have any expectations when I do this, but just play until the color and form begin to suggest something. Then my brush strokes become focused as I work to coax the image out.
Here are a few examples of my distorto paintings.


swooze said...

Very nice. I love the top one. Such a horse fanatic!

Barb Hartsook said...

The second one down is very Halloweeny! Love the parrot. Well, love your work period!

Anonymous said...

I lost a few links in recent shuffles and crashes, but I've got you back now! Hope Triller and Chelsea are still ok?

My own artwork will see more of a shift this coming year towards artist books.I hope! It's all about squeezing the clock isn't it!

I love your new colour work!